Although most people are able to experience the wonders of LASIK eye surgery, there are a few exceptions. Check out the following are eight reasons you may not be right or ready for LASIK.

1) You’re under 18 years of age

Because a person’s eye can change throughout their life, LASIK is not recommended for people under 18 years of age. Although LASIK results are permanent, little is known about how vision changes in a child’s eyes or even what influences those changes. Vision can alter drastically during the younger years and, because of this, results of LASIK may be temporary and unpredictable.

2) You are Pregnant or Nursing

Due to hormone fluctuations and possible fluid retention, which can cause changes to a woman’s vision and corrective prescription during pregnancy, LASIK is not recommended before or after pregnancy. Changes in hormones can cause dry eye while carrying and during nursing. Also, this condition could cause a delay in the healing process.

3) You Are Taking Certain Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs can interfere with LASIK results including some steroids, acne medications, and so on.

4) Your Vision is Not Stable

If your eye prescription is wavering and fluctuating, you may not be a good candidate for LASIK. Doctors prefer your prescription be stable for longer than one year minimum.

5) You’re Not in Good Overall Health

Depending upon what kind of medical conditions you are experiencing, the way your body heals after surgery could be affected and could increase your risks of post-LASIK infection. Autoimmune diseases, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, glaucoma, or cataracts are a few examples that impact LASIK results.

6) You have Dry Eye Syndrome

If you are inflicted with Dry Eye Syndrome you usually do not qualify for LASIK. This syndrome increases the risk for significant post-LASIK discomfort and a possible worsening of the syndrome itself. It can also delay healing. There are occasions where people with dry eyes can have LASIK and your doctor will be able to examine you to determine whether or not it is possible for you to undergo the procedure.

7) Your Pupils Dilate More Than 7 Millimeters in The Dark

During LASIK surgery the area of the eye that is being treated should only be 6 MM in diameter. If your pupil normally dilates to 7 or 8 MM in the dark, you will most likely have glare, halos, or starbursts around lights when it is dark outside. However, newer lasers are beginning to accommodate for this. Ask your surgeon which type of laser he uses and how large of a zone they can treat.